
Modern Gomukhasana steps benefits and precautions

Gomukhasana steps benefits and precautions-

Do you feel tired when you wake up in the morning? Usually, a person feels fresh. But do you feel tired?

If yes, then your body is slowly losing its strength. So how can we make our body feel fresh again?

The answer is yoga. There are many asanas inside yoga, which refresh the body along with curing disease.

One of them is gomukhasana. This poses cures thousands of diseases and makes our body and mind feel fresh.

In Today's Guide, I will teach Gomukhasana steps benefits, and precautions in detail.

Meaning of Gomukhasana-

English meaning- Cow Face Pose

Sanskrit Meaning- Go, Mukh Asana

Hindi Meaning- Gaay chehera asana

In English, gomukhasana is also known as cow face yoga.

In the Sanskrit language, it is composed of 3 words 

First Go-Cow

Second        Mukh-   Face

Third           Asana-   Pose

When we combine these three words then it becomes Cow face yoga.

In this posture, our body and face look like a cow that's why its name became gomukhasana in Sanskrit and cow face yoga in English.

Cow face Pose Steps-

Preparatory pose-

1) Before starting the cow face pose, we do some preliminary poses. This is necessary to avoid minor injuries.

2) Our first preparatory pose is padmasana. This pose stretches your legs and prepares your spine for cow face yoga.

3) Our next preparatory pose is trikonasana because it will open our shoulders and hands.

Gomukhasana Starting Pose -

1) First, sit on a mat and stretch your leg forward Ensure that your spine must be straight.

2) First, Bend your right leg and place your Right leg heel below your left Hip.

3) Second, Bend your left leg so that your knees are parallel. The knees must be in the same line. (See the pic above)

4) Now lengthen your spine and take 2, or 3 deep breaths.

5) Now we will do the hands position. Raise your Right hand and turn it behind the back. Take care that your elbow must be straight.

6) Fold the left hand downwards and take it behind the waist.

7) Now try to grab the hands or lock the hands.

8) Take care that your neck, elbow, and hands do not bend downwards.

9) Now you close your eyes and concentrate.

10) After spending some time, Release the pose.

Follow up poses-

1) Padmasana

2) Garudasana

3) Navasana

Also, Read- Bhujangasana benefits and precautions

Cow face pose Beginner Tips-

While doing Gomukhasana, the most difficult is holding hands. Because our body is not fully open yet, due to this, we are not able to hold the hand behind the back.

Therefore, you should take as many hands as possible first and try to hold your hands slowly.


1) Beginner - less than 60 seconds

2) Intermediate - less than 120 seconds

3) Expert - more than 120 seconds

Gomukhasana Variations-

1) Revolved Gomukhasana – 

   In this pose, we turn to the left-hand side. We have one hand on the knee and the other on the right-hand side.   

2) Ardha Cow Face Pose Variation

    In this we only do the posture of the feet, our hands are placed on the knees.

3) Cow Face pose Variation Forward Bend-

    In this, we bow our hands and head forward

4) Half Cow Face Pose Variation Forward Bend-

    In this posture, we only tilt the arm forward.    

5) Gomukhasana Straps-

    In this position, we hold our hands with a cloth.

 Gomukhasana benefits-

1) If your chest is suppressed then the practice of Gomukhasana brings the chest to the outside.

2) This posture improves your sitting position.

3) Lung muscle is strengthened by regular practice of the cow face pose. Because of this, it is beneficial for asthma, and respiratory diseases.

4) Sitting in one position can cause pain in the neck, shoulders, and back so it would be beneficial to practice Gomukhasana.

5) Constant writing or working on the computer causes stiffness or swelling in the hands. In such a situation Gomukhasana gets rid of this disease.

6) Women whose uterus is enlarged. The regular practice of Gomukhasana causes him to come to normal.

7) This posture is beneficial for heart disease.

8) This pose gives strength to your sexual organ.

9) It removes your mental fatigue and freshens the mind.

10) Gomukhasana is beneficial in joint pain, arthritis, and heel pain.

Cow Face pose Precautions-

1) If the person has a joint problem or a knee problem, you should not do this posture.

2) Do not do this pose even if you have a hip injury or back pain.

3) Do not put too much burden on your body while doing Gomukhasana.

4) Wait to do this asana for your body limit. This causes fear of injury.

5) A person suffering from a hernia, headache, or migraine should not perform Gomukhasana.

6) Women with asthma, pregnancy, and arthritis also should not do this asana.

Questions and answers related to Gomukhasana -

Q1) What are the two benefits of Gomukhasana?

Ans- By doing Gomukhasana, your shoulders, and waist become strong.

Q2) What should be the average duration of Gomukhasana?

Ans - Friends, beginners should do Gomukhasana for at least 45 seconds.

Q3) Should a slipped disc patient do Gomukhasana?

Ans - No, a Slip Disc patient should not do this yoga pose.

Q4) How many times should I do Gomukhasana?

Ans - We should do Gomukhasana at least 3 to 4 times a day.

Q5) What muscles does the Gomukhasana work?

Ans- In Gomukhasana your upper back, upper arms, chest, hips, and thighs are involved.

Q6) Should Pregnant women Practice this pose?

Ans - Pregnant should not practice this pose because that's not good for her and her child.

Q7) What are the precautions of asanas?

Ans - You should practice yoga according to your body's capacity

Summary of Gomukhasana steps benefits and precautions-

The face pose of friends increases the strength and elongation of the body. In today's article, we have learned the Gomukhasana steps benefits, and precautions.

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