
How Many Types of Bhujangasana Are There

Hello friends, you are welcome on our blog, today we will share with you information about How many types of Bhujangasana are there.

Friends, Bhujangasana is a medium-level yoga exercise and you get various variations to do this exercise.

When to perform these variations depends on the level of your yoga practice.

If you are a beginner then you can do simple Bhujangasana, if you are a pro then you can do advanced-level Bhujangasana yoga exercises.

How Many Types of Bhujangasana Are There

What is Bhujangasana – 

Bhujangasana is a reclining back-bending asana which is also called the modern-day yoga practice.

Where does hand yoga also go to this, we also do this yoga in the steps of Surya Namaskar Yoga.

From this, you will be able to understand the importance of this yoga, and how important this yoga is.

Bhujangasana, also known as Cobra Pose, is a popular yoga posture that has several variations. Here are some of the commonly practiced variations of Bhujangasana.

Types of Bhujangasana - 

1) Traditional Bhujangasana: 

The practitioner in this version lifts their upper body by employing the power of their back muscles while lying on their stomach with their hands beneath their shoulders.

2) Ardha Bhujangasana: 

This version, also known as Half Cobra Pose, resembles the classic Bhujangasana in which the practitioner lifts only the chest while leaving the lower body on the floor.

3) Utthita Bhujangasana: 

In this variant, the upper body is lifted while the arms are maintained straight and stretched.

4) Bhujangasana with a Twist: 

In this version, the practitioner maintains the position of the lower body and legs while twisting the upper body to one side.

5) Sarpasana: 

In this variant, the entire body is raised off the ground with the arms and legs extended.

Benefits of Bhujangasana –

1) Sarpasana is a great position for building back muscles, particularly the erector spinal muscles, which support proper posture.

2) Bhujangasana can help the spine become more flexible, which can lessen stiffness and back pain.

3) Sarpasana's abdominal pressure against the floor helps stimulate the digestive tract, which can help with digestion and ease constipation.

4) Stress and anxiety can be lessened thanks to the calming effects of Bhujangasana on the psyche.

5) Regular Sarpasana practice helps assist the body's circulation, which can help lessen swelling and inflammation.

6) Sarpasana helps ease menstrual discomfort by energizing the reproductive system and boosting blood flow to the pelvis.


Q1) What are the different types of Bhujangasana?

Ans - There are many asanas available which you can explore above.

Q2) How many types of poses are there in yoga?

Ans - There are 84 poses in yoga, all of them are different types of yoga exercises.

Q3) What are the 5 major types of yoga?

Ans - Major types of yoga are Vinyasa, Astanga, Hatha, Iyengar, and Hot Yoga.

Final Words on How many types of bhujangasana are there-

Friends, I hope you have liked today's post about how many types of bhujangasana are there.

Today we have shared 5 types of Bhujangasana with you, apart from this there are many other types that you can practice.

We have shared the top types with you so that you can reap the benefits from today itself.

Hope you got to learn something new and interesting from today's post.

If you have got any new information from today's post, then tell us in the comment section.

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